Denise today

Denise today

Denise in the early 1980’s

Denise in the early 1980’s

About Me

Change. It’s a constant, inevitable, unpredictable and challenging force that drives our lives. It is also exciting – opening new doors to opportunities and decisions we may never have thought of. 

I always said that if I ever write a book, it would be entitled “Subject to Change,” because adapting to change has been the story of my life.   
As a child, I dreamt of becoming a concert pianist.  That changed after high school, when I began studying at The New School and New York University. I also began modeling. Being a 5’6” brunette in an industry that was dominated by blonde-haired, blue-eyed models who were 5’10” tall was a long shot, but I did achieve a level of success, just enough to pay for college.  

My next decision was to transition from being in front of the camera to being behind the lens: I entered the world of magazine publishing!  In a career that spanned 20+ years, I worked in management positions for a variety of consumer, trade, and special-interest publications –from Director of Newsstand Distribution to Advertising Sales Director and eventually to Vice President of Business Development for a major media company.   I led the marketing and promotion campaigns for the launch of 8 consumer publications. Changing gears again, I even worked for a rock ‘n’ roll impresario and sold real estate in Manhattan.  

At age 50, I decided to follow my heart and pursue a career serving what I truly loved – animals.  I had always been an active advocate for animals, so why not make it my new career? I put my business skills to work and developed advertising and marketing programs for the member magazines of two of the nation’s largest animal protection groups. I also co-founded The Avian Welfare Coalition, an alliance dedicated to the protection of parrots and other captive birds exploited by the pet trade. 

Fast forward to today. Here I am a senior and re-entering the modeling world. Older, hopefully wiser, and less concerned with my imperfections, I’m ready to join the community of diverse models of every age, size and ethnicity who every day prove that beauty is truly in the eye of the ‘bolder.’